Thursday, January 31, 2013

Connectify Pro Full Version

Connectify Pro is a software that makes your computer work as a hotspot or WiFi. So if you have an internet connection from the modem and then for example you wish to share or share your internet connection via WiFi to a variety of devices such as WiFi, HP, Laptop / Notebook, Netbook, etc..Actually, no software can be, that is the setting that is on...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Smadav 2013 Rev. 9.2.1 Pro Full Version

SmadAV is a useful antivirus software eradicate viruses on your PC or computer. This Smadav software locally made Indonesia, so it is able to eradicate the local viruses are circulating the internet. Local virus can not be detected by antivirus international / foreign-made. But with this antivirus, virus could be detected. SmadAV has released the...

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.14 Final Build 5 Full Version

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a free download manager that allows you to accelerate and stabilize the files being downloaded. So file to be downloaded more quickly completed. IDM also features a working resume downloading the next time.Internet Download Manager (IDM) technology has been present, the final build version 6.14 build 5. For a full...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.146 Final

Adobe Flash Player is software that helps you to rotate a video like on youtube. In the absence of Adobe Flash Player will not want to rotate the video will actually require you to download the Adobe Flash Player to the latest version.Now has come the Adobe Flash Player to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.146 Final. Adobe Flash Player...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to Make Recent Post widget / Latest Posts

As the title this time I will share about How to Make Recent Post widget / Recent Post. Recent Post widget is a widget to display posts "latest.To make the widget is pretty easy anyway, as it only requires a bit of HTML code only. And the widget is not too hard really.yes it is just on the steps .... because more lazy strings attached .......

10 Site Provider Blogger Template

For users of Blogger, templates have a very important role. Because good or not a blog in addition to assessed content also seen from the zoom. If zoom is unique and interesting then the visitor will feel the seriousness of the present owner of the blog content and would love to visit again.Here I list 10 sources blogger template providers sufficient...

How to Display Form Comments Only in Specific Postings

A few days ago, there was a blogger friend who asked me via email on how to display the comment form only in certain posts. Since the question is quite interesting and it is possible there are other bloggers who do not know how. So on this occasion I will try to explain it here.So to display the comments form only in a particular post is very easy,...

How to Give Effect Snow in Blog

Want snowing on your blog to make it look more lively and cool? Well, then you need to install a snow effect on your blog.To install snow effect, it is very easy:1. Open blogger. Go to the menu Design -> Page Elements2. Click the Add a Gadgets -> HTML / Javascript3. Insert the following script into the box     <script...

How to Increase Page Views Blog with New Tab

This time I want to share the tips and tricks blog How To Increase Page View Blog. Finding the visitor is indeed difficult, but it's real fun for bloggers including me to fight in order to get a lot of visitors. Similarly, the page view. A little explanation, Page view is looking blog. Nah blogs to see more of that and it will certainly increase...

Many Automatic Registering your blog to Search Engine Brands

This time I want you tips and tricks to blog about Account Automated Famous Many search engines. Yes it may have been many who know and understand even more about signing up for search engines. However, to apply to many search engines automatically in one click I have a solution.Since signing up search engines is one of the tips SEO tricks website...

How to Make Recent Post Widget Moving up with Pictures

In this post I want to give a trick to make moves Recent Post with pictures. Already know what a recent post widget? I do not know if you know. Recent Post is a list of our latest posts. Uses recent post in addition to boost your SEO blog, the blog also able to memperhias because recent post is going up like animation. For example you can see below: Okay...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to Change Mouse Cursor Shape Display Blog

By default it forms cursor display on the blog are arrow-shaped, but for those of you who are bored and want to switch the cursor is or wants to give admiration and interesting for visitors because it looks different from the other blogs. You can replace the icon image, so that when a visitor comes to your blog, the display cursor icon will change...

How To Add Element Widget Layout Multi Column Footer

Maybe you feel the layout feature to add widget in blogger is very less, making it difficult for you if you want to add a widget that much. However, in the following ways, all can be resolved easily. You can add layout to the widget wherever they pleased. Well, here means multi-column layout can be divided into 1 column, 2 column, 3 column or 4 column,...

DAZ Studio Pro Edition Portable Version

 DAZ Studio Pro Edition Portable Version is a graphic design software used to create cartoons or animated motion pictures in 3D with a very good quality, with DAZ studio you can make tens or even hundreds of 3D animation (depending on your wish) and save your work in 2 choices of images and video. This software can be run directly without...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

DU Super controller 1.9 Full Version

had not been open the email, there was one of the visitors of this blog requests DU Super Controller software. Well for that I share this software.DU Super Controller is a free minimalist / simple is used to limit the bandwidth of the Internet connection on computers that use the Windows operating system. Although this software is very simple but...

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